Monday 16 February 2009

Cooking the Sunday Feast!

Yesterday my counsellee group cooked the Sunday Feast.

This is the second time we have done this and lets just say... it ain't just the puris being fried when engaging in such intense service!

The counsellee's who attended were:

Bhavisha, Cassie, Bhudevi Sundari dd, Dhanistha dd, Sonal, Yogesvari (also known as Yogi bear), & Param Sundari dd.

We were guided by the master chef know as Deva Deva dasa.

We made x2 sabjis, puris, sweet rice, pakoras, plain rice and dahl.

It was so much fun to come together and have the same goal of serving Krsna. We all mucked in and chopped and peeled and stirred where necessary.

PS: Pics to follow!

PPS: We finished one hour early and so all went upstairs at 3.50pm to attend the Sunday Programme.. now that's what I call team work!

Spiritual Foundation

One thing I really believe in is that we have to work on our spiritual foundation first and foremost. If we do not do this than our house...