Thursday 12 February 2009

In God We Trust

In God we trust?

Oh really?

What does it mean to trust in God?

Recently I was reading the life of Srimati Tulasi devi and the introduction was clearing up a doubt or disturbance some people have with regards to the story (I won't spoilt it for you!) of Srimati Radharani cursing Srimati Vrinda devi.

How could Radharani do this? She who embodies devotion to the Lord? The most super devotee of the Lord.

It is explained by Amala Bhakti Prabhu that pure devotees of the Lord are so fully surrendered that they give their mind, body and soul to the Lord. This means that they TRUST God and accept that whatever He does is all good.

Therefore in relation to Srimati Radharani, She was used as an instrument whereby She seemingly cursed Vrinda devi, but who as a result went onto become so dear to the Lord that she always resides at His lotus feet and on His neck in the form of a garland.

Even Laxmi devi, who tends to Lord Visnu's feet all day, has to leave from time to time to see to her devotees petitions but Vrinda devi is always to be found where ever the Lord is.

Now that is what you call TRUST in God.

That however you want to handle me my Lord... I am your surrendered servant life after life.

Spiritual Foundation

One thing I really believe in is that we have to work on our spiritual foundation first and foremost. If we do not do this than our house...