Yesterday the ladies harinam sankirtana party went to Croydon for a day of book distribution.
We collectively collected £200 and distributed many of Srila Prabhupada's books.
Personally my contribution to the overall score was very minimal - the rest of the team were fab however and are real spiritual warriors. They are:
Aditi devi dasi
Bhaktin Bhavisha
Bhaktin Sairika
Bhaktin Sonal
All glories to them !
Book Distribution is the best service as far as receiving instant purification is concerned. It smashes the old false ego and totally brings you to your knees... you certainly realise who is the doer in this service.. and it ain't you !
But if you just carry on and are determined then it is a very sweet service as Krsna arranges for you to meet so many nice people who are just waiting for Lord Caitanya's message.
There are so many seekers out there...