Wednesday 29 April 2009

Happy Lila's in Ireland

It is GREAT in Ireland !

I am living in a massive 5 bedroom house in a field of green green grass.

Everyone has such big houses and so much land to grow fruit and veg and flowers on.

All the devotees live in the same area and it is all a stone's throw away from the Temple.

The Temple is on a 22 acre Island of it's own !

I am eating salads, soups, homemade bread and smoothies everyday.

Simply living and high thinking at it's best.

It is amazing ... like a paradise here!

I will be able to upload my pics maybe next week when I visit Belfast City as no facility here in Derrylin Library !

Might be going to Dublin at the weekend... a devotee runs a fast food store.... everything offered to Krsna! They only have this staff on a Saturday and live off the profit each week... so amazing !

We had a ladies sanga yesterday and on Monday we were at the Temple President's house for Kirtan night which he has every Monday.

It is too much here!

Spiritual Foundation

One thing I really believe in is that we have to work on our spiritual foundation first and foremost. If we do not do this than our house...