Thursday 2 April 2009

Why did you do this God?

Death is as certain as birth or more popularly heard as taxes.

Yet we always express surprise at someone's death and then blame God for having taken that person away.

God is not responsible for that person's death ... you are... the person who dies is the person who accepted this false livelihood in the first place.

This false identity as a man, woman, Indian, American, Chinese.... this binds us into thinking we are a part of a specific background and environment.

We live a lie all our lives not realising we are related to a wonderfully powerful and amazing person ie: God.

And then we die ... in illusion and fear.

Our current life is a blue print for our next life.

Fill it with service to God and you will surely go to God.

Spiritual Foundation

One thing I really believe in is that we have to work on our spiritual foundation first and foremost. If we do not do this than our house...