At ISKCON-London we have a spiritual Counsellor System based on the hugely successful model used in ISKCON Chowpatty.
The concept being that one devotee looks after junior devotees in his/her group and acts like a guide/friend/support/mentor/servant in all things spiritual.
We also assist (as best we can) in material life issues too.
I currently have 15 counsellees.
They are (in no particular order):
Krishtee, Josna, Bhavisha, Cassie, Gopi, Bhudevi Sundari dd, Param Sundari dd, Sonal, Georgina, Yogesvari, Priya, Dhanishta, Sandhya, Prebha, Pallavi.
They are a great bunch... all so individual and
very sincere.
I find this service makes me strive to become a better person myself and more fixed up in sadhana and behaviour. If I am not spiritually strong how can I help my counsellees?
I meet most of them in a 121 meeting and also we meet twice a month on a Friday from 6pm to 8pm where we chant japa, discuss Krsna Katha, learn how to sing devotional songs, plan group activities like cooking the Sunday Feast and .... honour prasadam!
I sincerely believe that the humble cheese cake was invented soley for my counsellee meetings !